Dreaming Big: The ImagiNightmare

Nine years ago we set out to do something different.

A year later we were into the thick of it of designing escape room puzzles, designing sets, and writing the stories for our players to experience. It was a real challenge, we didn’t know anything about low voltage wiring and DMX lighting or how to shim a door but learned all of it. We had to, if this project was going to come to life. We always knew we wanted to tell bigger stories, build more immersive sets, and really give our players the ability to have a say in their adventure.

July 4th weekend 2023 we began construction on a new space that would be home to both our newest escape room concept, The Bureau for Sequential Time & Anomalies, and the haunted attraction we have been dreaming about building since day one. Today we want to tell you about The ImagiNightmare, our concept for a haunted house attraction centrally located in Oklahoma City. This attraction is completely home-brewed, our own story, scripts, and set designs. We have different shows planned for every fear level: Friday and Saturdays will be all the terror you would expect from a haunted house attraction, Thursdays will feature a more comedic twist into the realm of horror comedy, and Sundays will be a “low scare” show for folks that love spooky sets but don’t need all of the jump scares. You won’t have seen anything like what we are doing.

Without you the ImagiNightmare is just Dream. This project is bigger than just Baker Street Escapes. If we are going to give a good show every weekend in October we are going to need your help. We need actors, costume designers, make-up artists, stage entertainers, artists, painters, and folks that want to create things.

Imagine what we can create together?

If you want to help but don’t have any free time, donations for supplies, costumes, and materials can be a huge help!


Time Travel Log # 1